For the last 11 years I have been one of the club doctors at Derby County Football Club looking after players in the first team and academy. During that time, I have also worked as a doctor in the musculoskeletal clinic in Derby for the NHS, receiving referrals from local GPs to help assess, investigate and manage patients with complex musculoskeletal problems. This can involve joint injections using an ultrasound scanner.
I have a keen interest in teaching and education. I have helped in the training of new General Practitioners coming into the NHS. I am a trainer for the Football Association, involved in teaching and assessing health professional managing trauma in football. I am also involved in teaching and mentoring clinicians starting out in musculoskeletal ultrasound scanning and injections.
Over the years, waiting times in the NHS from initial injury to obtaining an appointment for assessment and treatment is getting increasingly longer. This tends to cause frustration amongst patients and limits their ability to carry out daily tasks or participate in sport and recreational activities.
This joint injection service has been set up to provide access to high quality, compassionate private health care at affordable prices for self-funding patients. You will be able to contact me by phone or e mail to discuss your condition and advise on the most appropriate way forward. If appropriate after the telephone assessment, you will be asked to read and sign a consent form before an appointment will be made for a face-to-face assessment. All costs will be open and upfront on the website, with no hidden costs.
Thank you,
Dr Sandy Khosla
If you would like any further information on our ultrasound guided joint injection treatments or if you have any questions please contact Dr Khosla.