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Steroid Injection - Ultrasound Guided

An ultrasound guided steroid injection can provide effective pain relief for patients suffering from arthritis.

Precise needle placement using the ultrasound by an experienced, skilled doctor ensures the needle accurately targets the intended location within the joint. This improves the overall effectiveness of the injection and reduces risk of complications.

For further details about our treatments please call 07813 643587 or contact our team.

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Steroid injections can be effective in pain relief due to arthritis.  They work by suppressing the production of inflammatory substances such as cytokines.  This helps reduce inflammation in the joint and surrounding tissues.

The anti-inflammatory properties of steroids can improve joint function, making them an effective option for managing arthritis-related pain.  It's important to note that the duration of pain relief varies from person to person, and the injections might need to be repeated periodically for ongoing benefits.

Steroid joint injections offer several advantages:
  1. Rapid Relief: They can provide quick pain relief by reducing inflammation in the affected joint
  2. Localised Treatment: The medication is delivered directly to the affected joint, reducing general side effects
  3. Reduced Inflammation: Corticosteroids are strong anti-inflammatory agents, helping to reduce swelling and inflammation within the joint
  4. Improved Functionality: By reducing inflammation, these injections can improve the way the joint moves and functions
  5. Minimise Side Effects from Pain Killing Tablets: Steroid joint injections can reduce the need for taking tablets for pain and therefore reducing side effects

Steroid joint injections are performed under ultrasound guidance.  Patients are positioned comfortably on the couch.  The injection site is sterilised with an anti-septic solution. An ultrasound is then used to locate the exact target area.  A local anaesthetic is mixed with the steroid to help ease some of the discomfort following the injection. Once injected into the joint, a sterile plaster seals the site.

Following the procedure, patients are advised that ideally someone else should drive them home.  It is advisable to rest the area for 48hrs and then to resume normal activities gradually over a 2-week period.  Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 2 weeks.  If effective, benefits from an injection start to take effect after 1 week, sometimes earlier.  A good result is pain relief lasting at least 3 months.

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Ultrasound Guided Corticosteroid Injection

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Ultrasound Guided Steroid Injection

Steroid Injection Prices:

Ultrasound guided injection of corticosteroid in joint£250.00
Ultrasound guided injection of corticosteroid in 2 joints same day£450.00

If you would like any further information on our ultrasound guided joint injection treatments or if you have any questions please contact Dr Khosla.

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Contact Dr Khosla

If you have any questions about our ultrasound guided joint injections, or would just like to discuss your requirements, the Midlands Joint Injection Clinic would like to hear from you. Please use the button below for details on how to get in touch.


Connect with us:

midlands joint injection clinic, coleman health centre, alvaston, derby

My name is Dr Sandy Khosla (MBChB, MRCGP, DipSEM, Dip MSK ultrasound).

I graduated in 1993 from Manchester Medical School and have worked in the NHS for the last 30 years primarily as a General Practitioner.

I have a special interest in musculoskeletal, sports and exercise medicine.

About Dr Khosla

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